Category: 14) Tiptoeing Through The Button Bars

This chapter explores the author’s process of remediating a print text for publication as a piece of new media scholarship. Robert Whipple found that there is a profound difference between the composing processes involved in creating a linear text as opposed to the production of a new media text. However, in discovering these differences, he also discovered how the new media version of his text still shares many similarities. As a writing professor, he humbly admits that he found it less difficult to teach new media than to produce it. He writes, “In remediating scholarship, we are simply—or perhaps not so simply—learning to write again, developing new media writing processes.”



Robert Whipple, Jr. is a professor of English at Creighton University, and was holder of the A.F. Jacobson Chair in Communication from 2001–08. He received his MA from the University of Texas at Austin, and a PhD in rhetoric and composition from Miami University located in Oxford, Ohio. He teaches courses in first-year writing, technical and professional writing, and grammar and usage. His research area focuses on intersections between technology and human literacy. He currently serves on the 7Cs Task Force and is a member of the editorial board of Kairos .

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