Although there is an ample amount of theory about new media and digital texts, especially as a way to transform composition studies, there is much to be done in new media with empirical, contextual inquiry. This makes new media look a lot like hypertext inquiry in the 1980s and 1990s, which is the point this chapter makes by comparing two prominent hypertext fictions with two recent new media texts, complemented by protocol analyses with commentary available on the DVD and online supplements. If new media is to escape the trap of hypertext?s history, its authors and researchers must develop constructive production and inquiry methods.
Category: 10) A New Media Reading And Writing Scene
Bolter, Jay David. (2001). Writing space: The computer, hypertext, and the history of writing . London: Erlbaum.
Gee, James Paul. What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy . New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Gergen, Kenneth. (1991). The saturated self: Dilemmas of identity in contemporary life . New York: Basic Books.
Johnson-Eilola, Johndan. (1997). Nostalgic angels: Rearticulating hypertext writing . Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Jones, Steve. (2002). The Internet goes to college: How students are living in the future with today’s technology.
Pew Internet and American life project
. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from
(Alternate location for article:
Landow, George. (1992). Hypertext . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Landow, George. (2004). Hypertext 3.0 . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Lenhart, Amanda; Madden, Mary; Macgill, Alexandra Rankin; Smith, Aaron. (2007, December 19). Teens and social media. Pew Internet and American life project . Retrieved March 3, 2008, from
Rifkin, Jeremy. (2000). The age of access . New York: Putman.
Samuels, Robert. (2006). Integrating hypertextual subjects . Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.